… The Sugar Policy Modernization Act proposal is different than previous attacks in that it is a “comprehensive dismantling of sugar policy,” said Kevin Price, director of governmental affairs for American Crystal Sugar Co. … The Sweetener Users Association applauded the act and its sponsors Reps. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., and Danny Davis, D-Ill.; and Sens. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa. “The legislation has already been endorsed by dozens of cosponsors in the House and Senate,” the SUA said. … “It is very rare that Congress has the chance to consider legislation that will do so much for so many,” said Rick Pasco, president of the SUA. The act “reforms unnecessary sugar regulations” and ensures that companies can “access sugar when they need it.” By assuring “access to reasonable supplies” the bill “will encourage companies to continue manufacturing food and beverages in the United States, not offshore.”