Specialty Sugar TRQ – SUA Letter to Acting Under Secretary Jason Hafemeister & Deputy Under Secretary Gloria Montano Greene (7-6-2021)

Dear Acting Under Secretary Hafemeister and Deputy Under Secretary Montaño Greene: Recently, you have received conflicting letters from sugar market participants discussing potential changes to how the specialty sugar tariff-rate quota (TRQ) is administered. The Sweetener Users Association (SUA) appreciated the chance to discuss these potential changes with your staff recently and would like to…

SUA Supply Chain Comments (6-21-2021)

Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on “Supply Chains for the Production of Agricultural Commodities and Food Products.”  The Sweetener Users Association (SUA) comprises companies that use sugar and other caloric sweeteners to make foods and beverages, as well as trade associations representing these companies.  Sweetener-using segments of the food industry directly employ…